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So What Is a Parent Educator Anyway? And What's This About Being a Couple Educator, Too?

I know you have questions. I did, too. It took me awhile to understand what a parent educator is. Suffice it to say that I worked with parent educators almost the whole way through parenting our kids. And they helped, a lot. (I'll get to the video above in a moment...)

I also discovered that I really needed to better understand the partnership piece of family life in order to keep moving forward together more effectively. Figuring this out was really important to me. The parent educators I worked with didn't focus on the partnership piece and didn't have answers for me there. So I struggled.

As I continued to read and explore, I began to understand that what I really needed was information and education to help me improve my partnership. I pursued this goal with serious grit. Family life matters, and I wanted to nurture mine. I also began to see how my choices around couple issues were affecting our parenting practices together. There is a link. Psychologists and researchers understand this well. I needed to understand it better.

As I did, our family functioning got stronger. Positive Discipline teachings led the way to improve our parenting practices. Our partnership skills improved, which strengthened teamwork and cooperation with each other for the benefit of our family, but also for ourselves as a couple. What a surprise and a delight!

But it doesn't just happen. You have to work at it. And it requires some shifts in our own perspectives to better understand the challenges and struggles we are facing.

MAPWisdom was born out of these discoveries: the link between your parenting and partnership skills and abilities. Growing in one area can help you grow in the other because the skills reinforce one another. We just apply them differently in each area.

So, the video...

Now I have the opportunity to share with you how I got here and what MAPWisdom is all about byway of the Entrepreneur Spotlight from the Eudaimonia Project. Learn what a Parent Educator does, how MAPWisdom emerged, and key tools you can start using today to strengthen your parenting and partnership practices. Click on either the link in this paragraph or picture at the beginning of this article to watch the video.

I was approached by Emmanuel Simms of the Eudaimonia Project to do this interview after meeting him at a local county Family Wellness Fair. It was such a pleasure to meet him and to do this interview. He is doing good and vital work in our community by meeting people where they are with empowering tools and resources for a balanced life. Check out their work through the link above!

Thank you to the Eudaimonia Project and Emmanuel Simms for this opportunity to share MAPWisdom's work.


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