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About MAP Wisdom

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Lisa Krausz

Positive Discipline Parent Educator, "Keeping the Joy in Relationships" Educator and Coach

Marriage and committed partnership is hairy business.  Add kids, and it gets even harrier. I collaborate with parents to cultivate understandings that foster better relationships with kids and partners. I’ve been involved in promoting the academic and social-emotional well-being of children and teens for the past two decades. In 2021, I became a certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator through the Positive Discipline Association, and in early 2022 I became certified in the Positive Discipline Association’s couples class “Keeping the Joy in Relationship.”  The skills gained in both of these classes reinforce and support one another, so I teach both to help you learn how to support and nurture your family relationships for the long-term.

My Background

I’ve been mentored by a few great parent educators, notably Casey O'Roarty, of Joyful Courage-Sproutable, and Julie King, author of How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen: A Survival Guide to Life with Children Ages 2-7.  I learned core parenting competencies from Ms. King over 10 years and Ms. O'Roarty for many years when my kids were teens.  In 2018, I completed a Master’s of Science in Education and a certificate in gifted education in a quest to better understand the needs of children with learning differences. My thesis research focused on twice-exceptional learners - a student with both learning disabilities and gifted abilities - and helped discern the vital role parents play in supporting their child’s academic trajectory and social & emotional growth. Before I had kids, I completed three and a half years of a clinical psychology doctoral program prior to the birth of my first child and left the program in good standing with considerable clinical experience and training. I have also served as the PTSA President at my teens' high school and have helped to promote PTSA-sponsored parent education programs throughout our county's public high schools as well as advocated for county-wide school safety reforms.  Currently, I am working on receiving my coaching certification through the International Coaching Federation at the ACC level (Associate Certified Coach).

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