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Parenting the Positive Discipline Way

Available Online

6 Week Class: Significantly Strengthen Your Parenting Practices with New Tools and Understandings

Starts Mar 2
265 US dollars
Online Via Zoom Link or by Phone

Available spots

Service Description

MAPWisdom has a special Valentine's Day treat for you! Attend Parenting from the Heart this Wednesday, February 12th, and receive $100 off the Early Bird Registration fee for the upcoming 6-week parenting class, Parenting the Positive Discipline Way! Register under February Workshops on the Booking page. Learning parenting skills and cultivating new understandings takes time. Your children will give you plenty of opportunities to grow! Dig deeper into core parenting skills during this 6-week parenting class so that you can foster more of the behavior and connection you want with your kids. Join in with your partner or come solo; co-parents and grandparents are encouraged to join as well. You will gain valuable insights into your children and learn new strategies for supporting their growth, as well as your own. Parenting is both amazing and amazingly challenging. How do we help our kids grow into their best selves? Learn from Positive Discipline practices which provide parents with real tools and concrete understandings that will enhance your parenting practices. Join this 6-week group to learn how to gain cooperation from your kids, how to increase your connection with them, how to keep your cool, and how to set limits without fueling power struggles, and much, much more. Join MAPWisdom for this transformative class with parents just like you who want their kids to grow into responsible, caring, and achieving adults. Positive Discipline classes provide evidenced-based practices to provide parents with tools and understandings to enhance their approaches with their kids. They also increase connection and cooperation within families. The fee for this course is $295, which includes the materials which will be shipped to your home (shipping is included in U.S.). Take advantage of the Early Bird Special: register by February 25th and pay $265 which includes your materials and shipping fee (in the U.S.). The materials you will receive for the class are: 1. The Positive Discipline Parenting book by Jane Nelson 2. The Positive Discipline Parenting Tool Deck (an indispensable resource!) 3. The Positive Discipline Workbook The materials comprise a $34.99 value. Commit to strengthening your family today and start gaining more of the balance and peace you want and need. One set of materials per class fee.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

For Parenting & Couples 6-Week Classes, please cancel a full 48 hours before the start of the first session for a refund less the cost of the materials and shipping fees. For all other services, please cancel a full 24 hours before the start of the service for a full refund. Please give at the least 24 hours notice to reschedule an appointment, but as much advanced warning as possible is requested. Thank you.

Contact Details

  • United States

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